and I know it has been aaages since I have promised Blogs and Vlogs and what not to friends and collegues about my adventures and new job in Amsterdam...
what can I say? Sorry for the long delay and being 'too busy' (yeah yeah) to update my Blog.
Instead a couple of you have already checked out the Vlogs on Gabe's site, so that way you can see our vacation videos form his site-
Yeah! In-Ah's back online! (and in Amsterdam, lucky us) Glad you had a good trip and how cool Gabe looks with this cowboy-look. Love it! Just love it!
whats goin' on here??? Blog-spam or what???
Ah ah ah ! Fu*kin' blog spam !
Anyway, Gabe looks soooo cool as a cowboy ! Was wondering if Damien could be the biker and me, errr the sexy building worker...
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